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Parliamentary question - E-002576/2022Parliamentary question

EU idiosyncrasy in promoting Islam as a fundamental European value

Question for written answer  E-002576/2022
to the Commission
Rule 138
Jorge Buxadé Villalba (ECR)

‘Time to unmute, speak up about the future of European values, inclusivity, employment, education, arts and culture, climate action’, so says the European Year of Youth promotional video[1]. However, this campaign to promote the submission of women in Europe – and which once again normalises the use of the veil – tries to make us believe that the future of Europe’s young people lies in Islamism, which requires women to submit.

This Islamist propaganda, paid for with public money, is completely in keeping with the EU’s silence on the killing of Christians in Africa and with the Western left’s complicity with Islam and its repeated sentencing of people to brutal whippings.

It certainly does nothing to foster young Europeans’ future. In the light of the EU’s promotion of the Islamisation of Europe:

Last updated: 19 July 2022
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