European Citizen’s Prize 2022 Award Ceremony 

Press Releases 

On Tuesday, Parliament will recognise European citizens for their exceptional achievements, including support to refugees from Ukraine.

Awarded every year by the European Parliament, the prize goes to projects organised by people or organisations that encourage mutual understanding between people in the EU, cross-border cooperation that builds a stronger European spirit and EU values and fundamental rights.

The ceremony will be opened by Vice-President Dita Charanzová (Renew, CZ), Chancellor of the European Citizen’s Prize. There will be speeches by two of the winners: Czech winner Pavlína Louženská, founder of #HolkyzMarketingu, which offers training and support to women in marketing, and Spanish winner Carlos San Juan De Laorden, initiator of the #soyMayorNOidiota campaign, which calls for better access to banking services for elderly people. A special recognition will be given to Promote Ukraine, a civil society, advocacy and media hub in Brussels.

The programme of the ceremony is available here.

WHEN: Tuesday 8 November at 17.00 CET

WHERE: Parliament’s Hemicycle in the Spaak building in Brussels and remote participation.

You can follow the meeting live here. (8.11.2022)